Saturday, 21 May 2011


今天陪朋友去买东西时,自己也心血来潮,买一堆日常用品。明知道自己没有带钱包,心想只要朋友有带钱包就行了。没想到她带不够钱,只差2dollar!那时候的我真的难堪极了。没想到后面的aunty伸手给我了钱。真的是太感动了。2 dollar 对我们两个人来说真的是小数目。也许她明天就会忘记她帮过我,可是那两块钱对我来讲,真的是太宝贵了。更宝贵的莫过于她的心。


人心很险恶。再好的朋友,也许会被背叛你。有看新闻吗?打开车窗,会被泼acid eh。明明就没有得罪人,为什么会得到如此的对待?一辈子的毁容甚至死亡。是那个人心理变态吗


纵然世界生病了,请保留你的同情心。你的帮助也许会改变人的一生。我们都有资格当别人的天使,只要你愿意 =)

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Card designing =)

After having bloody pharmacotherapy test, i was asked to help with card designing for Mother's day! Youth fellowship will give the handmade card and flower to the elder people in church to show our appreciation towards their love and effort.

At first, i thought i could only help with cutting or pasting colour paper. but then, Selina, our instructor said just design the card based on your creativity! i was like 'ohno. all my energy was already spent on the i have zero creativity in designing. but but but..... i come out with 3 cards at the end! heheheheehhee. though the design is just so so, but i am proud to say i can design card! least and most important, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. thanks to my awesome mum for your love. XD

p/s: designing can be fun if there's no pressure or deadline. now i know why i have so many friends choosing arhitecture, in door design and multimedia. well done, buddies!